School Counseling Services
school counseling services
school counseling services
By providing education, prevention, early identification, and intervention, school counselors can help all children achieve academic success.
If you have any questions, you may contact:
Jenny Donovan
Counselor grades TK-3 530-822-5280 ext 28108
Lakhvir Kang
Counselor grades 4-8
530-822-5280 ext 28109
Kerri Scritchfield
Social Worker 530-822-5280 ext 28107
*Please note there may be a 24 hour response time to emails and phone calls Monday-Friday
![]() Tierra Buenas Wellness Center
Counselors help set the tone for developing the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for children to become healthy, competent and confident learners. Counselors work as a team with the school staff, parents and the community to create a caring climate and atmosphere. By providing education, prevention, early identification and intervention, school counselors can help all children can achieve academic success.